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Capitalism: A Ghost Story (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about Arundhati Roy
Cover of the book Capitalism: A Ghost Story

Summary of Capitalism: A Ghost Story

"Capitalism: A Ghost Story," authored by the renowned social justice leader Arundhati Roy, delves into the stark disparities wrought by global capitalism in contemporary India. Published on May 6, 2014, this compelling narrative sheds light on the haunting consequences of economic policies on India's landscape and its peopleā€”from the environmental devastation of its natural resources to the alarming rate of farmer suicides driven by crippling debt. Roy exposes the chilling reality where India's wealthiest magnates hold a quarter of the nation's GDP, while hundreds of millions subsist on less than two dollars a day. This book is an essential read for those in adult education programs, providing a profound exploration of economic and racial justice issues. Through personal stories intertwined with rigorous analysis, Roy challenges readers to question the inequities of a system that prioritizes profit over people, urging a reevaluation of democracy's role in perpetuating economic disparity.

Book Details

Published by Haymarket Books on May 6, 2014
136 pages
ISBN: 9781608463855
Best for readers in Adults Learning and Growing
This book provides valuable insights into Racial Justice andĀ Economic Justice, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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