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Cesar Chavez: Fighting for Farmworkers (Graphic Library: Graphic Biographies) (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about Cesar Chavez
Cover of the book Cesar Chavez: Fighting for Farmworkers (Graphic Library: Graphic Biographies)

Summary of Cesar Chavez: Fighting for Farmworkers (Graphic Library: Graphic Biographies)

Dive into the vibrant pages of "Cesar Chavez: Fighting for Farmworkers," a compelling graphic novel that brings to life the stirring story of labor leader Cesar Chavez. Published on December 31, 2005, this graphic biography captures the essence of Chavez’s relentless struggle for economic justice and immigrant rights through engaging illustrations and narrative. Ideal for middle school readers, the book details the monumental boycotts Chavez led to secure fair working conditions for farmworkers, highlighting his profound impact on American social justice. Readers will follow Chavez's journey, experiencing his challenges, resilience, and the victories that defined his legacy. This graphic format not only makes the historical events accessible but also encourages young readers to reflect on how Chavez’s fight for equality remains relevant today. Engage with this story of courage and community, and discover how one individual’s actions can inspire a movement for change.

Book Details

Published by Capstone Press on December 31, 2005
32 pages
ISBN: 9780736861915
Best for readers in Middle Schoolers
This book provides valuable insights into Economic Justice and Immigrant Rights, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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