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Dangerous Woman: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about Emma Goldman
Cover of the book Dangerous Woman: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman

Summary of Dangerous Woman: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman

Immerse yourself in the vibrant and revolutionary life of Emma Goldman with "Dangerous Woman: The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman." Published on September 30, 2007, this graphic biography, adorned with Sharon Rudahl’s expressive illustrations, captures the spirit of a woman whose actions thundered through the pillars of early 20th-century social justice movements. From her fierce involvement in labor strikes and advocacy for birth control to her vehement opposition to conscription during World War I, Goldman’s life is a testament to her unyielding dedication to equality across various domains, including racial, gender, economic, and criminal justice reform. Perfect for high school readers, this book not only educates but inspires critical thinking and activism through its intimate portrayal of Goldman's challenges and triumphs. Dive into the pages of "A Dangerous Woman" and explore how one individual’s courage can echo through the ages, urging us to fight for change in our times.

Book Details

Published by The New Press on September 30, 2007
115 pages
ISBN: 9781595580641
Best for readers in High School Students
This book provides valuable insights into Racial JusticeEconomic JusticeCriminal Justice Reform, and Gender Equality, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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