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Jane Goodall (Up Close) (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about Jane Goodall
Cover of the book Jane Goodall (Up Close)

Summary of Jane Goodall (Up Close)

"Jane Goodall (Up Close)" is a captivating biography that introduces middle-school readers to one of the most influential figures in environmental, gender, and animal justice. Published on July 3, 2008, by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen, this book delves into the life of Jane Goodall, a pioneering scientist whose intimate studies of chimpanzees in Africa have reshaped our understanding of primates and spurred global movements for conservation. From her early days as a young woman venturing solo into the forests of Gombe to her rise as a leading advocate for sustainable environmental practices and women's rights in science, Goodall’s story is one of profound resilience and dedication. This biography not only traces her groundbreaking research but also highlights her role in challenging the scientific community's perceptions of women and advocating for a more compassionate world. "Jane Goodall (Up Close)" is an essential read for young readers eager to learn about the intersection of ecological preservation and social justice, inspiring them to think about how they can make a difference in the world.

Book Details

Published by Viking Books for Young Readers on July 3, 2008
224 pages
ISBN: 9780670062638
Best for readers in Middle Schoolers
This book provides valuable insights into Environmental Justice, Gender Equality, and Animal Justice, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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