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Jimmy's Rhythm & Blues: The Extraordinary Life of James Baldwin (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about James Baldwin
Cover of the book Jimmy's Rhythm & Blues: The Extraordinary Life of James Baldwin

Summary of Jimmy's Rhythm & Blues: The Extraordinary Life of James Baldwin

Immerse yourself in the inspiring journey of James Baldwin in "Jimmy's Rhythm & Blues: The Extraordinary Life of James Baldwin," a vibrant illustrated biography that marks the centennial of this iconic figure’s birth. As a young boy in Harlem, Baldwin discovered his love for the rhythm of words, a passion that would empower him to voice the complex realities of being a Black man in America. Through Michelle Meadows' engaging narrative, coupled with Jamiel Law's expressive illustrations, young readers will explore Baldwin’s transformative contributions as a novelist, poet, and fervent advocate for racial justice. From his seminal essays in "The Fire Next Time" to his active participation in the civil rights movement, Baldwin’s story is a poignant testament to the power of writing as a tool for change. Ideal for elementary school readers, this book not only celebrates Baldwin's literary genius but also his enduring impact on social justice, encouraging a new generation to dream and fight for a world of equality. Set to release on January 30, 2024, this biography will inspire children to find their own voice and dare to envision a more equitable society.

Book Details

Published by HarperCollins on January 30, 2024
48 pages
ISBN: 9780063273474
Best for readers in Children in Elementary Grades
This book provides valuable insights into Racial Justice , highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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