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My Life with the Chimpanzees (Summary, Reviews & Purchase Options)

This book is about Jane Goodall
Cover of the book My Life with the Chimpanzees

Summary of My Life with the Chimpanzees

"My Life with the Chimpanzees" captures the extraordinary journey of Jane Goodall, whose childhood fascination with a stuffed chimpanzee named Jubilee blossomed into a groundbreaking career in wildlife research. At twenty-six, driven by a passion for animals and armed with little more than determination, Goodall ventured into the forests of Africa to study chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Her pioneering work at Gombe Stream National Park unveiled the complex social and familial dynamics of chimpanzees, drawing striking parallels with human behavior and underscoring the urgent need for environmental conservation. Through her dedication, Goodall transformed our understanding of primates and sparked a global conversation on environmental justice. Ideal for elementary school readers, this book not only recounts Goodall’s adventurous research but also her ongoing advocacy through the Roots and Shoots program, inspiring young readers to respect and protect our planet. Published on April 1, 1996, this narrative invites us to reflect on how deep-seated curiosity can lead to profound change.

Book Details

Published by Aladdin on April 1, 1996
160 pages
ISBN: 9780671562717
Best for readers in Children in Elementary Grades
This book provides valuable insights into Environmental Justice , highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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